Sunday, January 3, 2010


I'm not one to hide my ideas when it comes to me. I love to tell others about it, no matter how raw or how polished the ideas are. For example, I am excited about developing a Suatu Ketika project with Astro - one based on the Selangor Civil Wars of 1867-1874. So most of my friends know about it - because to me film making is a concerted effort of talented invididuals - the producer, the writer, the director, the cinematographer, the art director, the costumers, the music director, the editor and the actors.
And everyone who takes part in it should be excited about it, about being in it and contributing to its success. It is not about WORK. It is about passion.
Whilst I am looking for to 1870, if and when it happens, I am also looking forward to translating Tan Sri Herman Luping's novel Pangazou into a TV series.
I bought his book in some small bookstore some time ago, and was lucky to have interviewed him for my documentary of the creation of Malaysia. During the interview I asked him about the novel and whether he had envisioned it as a movie. To my surprise, he said he had already received and paid for two attempts at turning it into a feature film. It seems he was so excited at the prospect then that he had spent money to build a long house as a set for the movie.
Unfortunately, both attempts didn't come to fruition and he actually had the long house torn down.
I was sad and disappointed to hear him say that, as I found the novel an interesting insight into Kadazan culture and folklore. So, out of the blue, I asked if he would allow me to option it into a TV series for RTM. Instead of a feature film.
I believe that the Malaysian public would really like to see Pangazou - not as a feature film but as a long TV series, because even though the novel is short, it had many ideas that can be developed further and be made into at least 26 one hour episodes.
The story is about two brothers journey into manhood - Bihangan and Somboi Dansip - and how they achieved the status of Pangazou - warriors. It was an ideal story about a hero's journey - a writing concept and philosophy 'invented' by Joseph Campbell - that is based on an aspect of Malaysia a few have witnessed or knew about.
So when he agreed, I quickly developed the novel into a TV series for RTM and proposed it officially during its last pitching session in September last year.
I was hoping that YB Dato Seri Utama Rais Yatim, as the Minister of Information and Culture, would somehow hear of the proposal and because his ministry has been harping about the lack of dramatic programmes on RTM about Sabah and Sarawak may find this proposal interesting.
Furthermore, it is based on a novel by tan Sri Herman Luping, a much respected senior politican of Sabah politics and once its Deputy Chief Minister.
It is now 2010. And there is no word yet of whether they found the proposal acceptable or not.
Tan Sri Herman is still optimistic. So am I. So both of us wait and wait until RTM realise that it has a very different and interesting drama series on their hand. A series, when done well, has potential to be sold overseas and also promote Sabah as a tourist attraction.
So we wait and wait.
Meanwhile, I am creating a new sitcom called Melaka FM 1400. About the first entertainment initiative in Melaka in the year 1400. Its like WKRP in Cincinnati meets Melaka history.
FM stands for Fasal Melaka and the 1400 is of course the year. It's at first a live news service which was developed by its manager Belalang into a full blown entertainment programme with news, music and commercials.
I plan to add in some zany homour, the kind I had in my Gado Gado comedy series way back in the early 90s. However, such ideas will stay just ideas, until some TV executive finds this idea and proposal exciting and interesting.
So, let's see what the new year heralds in.

1 comment:

Sesat said...

Don't hope. Just Do. And Show. Let the rest be judge by your peers.